BACKGROUND: Stephanie, 23, has lived in Killingworth her entire life. She attended Haddam-Killingworth High School, graduated from there in 2014 and gained her degree in allied health science from the University of Connecticut after spending one semester of her freshman year at Florida Gulf Coast University. She has been accepted into UConn’s accelerated nursing school and will begin classes in January, 2020.

Q: Why did you decide on becoming on EMT?

NIXON: I wanted go to PA (Physician’s Assistant) school, so that’s what got me into EMT. You need a lot of experience to get into PA school. I decided that I love emergency medicine, and I’ve always wanted to work in the ER. So I figured becoming an EMT would be the best stepping stone … and I knew a number of people who were doing that. So I took my classes at Middlesex (Community College), and I really, really loved them. One of our classmates was diabetic, and she collapsed in the class. So we actually were first responders at the beginning. Basically, from that moment on I knew this is what I wanted to do.

Q: But you’re headed off to UConn next year?

NIXON: In this journey I actually  decided that nursing was a better position for me so I got accepted into UConn’s accelerated nursing school, starting in January. So that’s going to be a year, but I’ll get my second bachelor’s (degree), and it will be in nursing.

Q: So they’re going to lose you here?

NIXON: For a little bit. But after that I’ll be coming back. I want to continue to do it.

Q:: What’s the best part of being an EMT?

NIXON: Just being there for people in their scariest moments. I’ve always worked with customers. I was in retail, and I always liked being helpful. But it never felt like it was enough. Whereas here in people’s most vulnerable moments, you’re there to help them, offer some comfort and do the best work you can for people in their most important moments.

Q: And the most challenging part?

NIXON: Sometimes the overnights are hard because it’s hard to get up. But once you’re up you’re ready to go.

Q: Would you recommend it to others?

NIXON: Definitely. It’s great experience if you want to go into the medical field. You get first-hand experience, and, honestly, you help change lives for the better.

Q: Is there anything unique about the KAA that drew you here?

NIXON: The school system is what gave me my strong academics and my love for medicine. I remember my anatomy class is what made me fall in love with the human body and how it works. And we are such a small town. Everybody knows each other. So it feels good that I can help give back to a community that helped raise me.

Posted in Meet The Team.